We're Coming Soon
Our mission is a teleportation technology that changes the way people work and communicate
to let you be YOU in metaverse remote meeting and feel like it's
a real face-to-face experience

A next step in remote communication, based on interpersonal interaction, accepted as real and unmistakable with
direct experience
Alexa Young, Product Manager
The user's position and spatial movements are recreated as in real life conversation, using photorealistic clones overlaid in physical world instead of animated cartoon characters

Throughout the history of humanity we have always looked for new ways to connect people
Metaversi.net's teleportation technology radically changes the way we communicate and it is the next step in the evolution of communication technology

Communication Technology

Easy to use
Intuitive usability, even for non-
technical users, in the same way
that video-calls are made today
Sense of presence in selfie-style
avatar 1:1 ratio. Real&True as it is
with someone right in front of you
Eye contact, pure turn-taking, perceived attention and non-verbal group communication.
Strong cryptography and custody
of data allows regulation-friendly
and to comply wit GDPR's dictates
Dedicated hardware and software;
system designed in-house with a
single purpose: to communicate
Value to real economy, reduce the carbon footprint, ensure business continuity and increase inclusivity
On Investment
Saving hours of travel time.
Improve employees' productivity.
Up to 70% reduction in travel costs.
Users offer innovative services
independently and create new
ecosystems from technology

Market size

The Metaverse is the biggest and most exciting technology trend ever and will reach 15% of global GDP

What we offer

Teleportation PRO
Keys in hand professional teleportation room with state of the art equipment for B2B market

Teleportation HOME
Home version of the teleporting machine with smart glasses and data acquisition system

Teleportation SERVICE
Teleportation room rental to use the service with the technical support of an on-site assistant

Changing the way people communicate

The Metaverse is all about social connection and our technology is targeted at a clear use case in communication to enable businesses to effectively implement the Metaverse in their work process

Key people

Team expertise

Let's be the first and change the
way people communicate together